Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Project Three Review

Project three involved understanding the concept behind a single word and how one can change the meaning and use of a word by modifying different elements such as location and appearance. The project was built on one chosen word; the students researched the definition and meaning of the word and began to experiment with presenting their word using different fonts and variations. The students created 20 variations of the word constrained within a six square inch grid to emphasize different aspects of the word in a variety of methods. 

Once the uses of the word had been explored, students built small-scale models of the letters to determine the best representation that they wanted. Following the models, the students constructed full-sized letters approximately three feet in height, using a variety of materials such as cardboard.

 The final part of the project involved placing the word in a variety of locations to emphasize the different aspects in creative and clear methods. To complete the project, the students organized the photos taken of the word on location into a book to highlight the creative aspects of their design.

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