Thursday, November 29, 2012

Project Four refined designs

After our initial designing, we combined different elements of some of our best designs to create a better concept for the final project.

 Combination folding and layering.
 Combination weaving and distressing.
 Combination shapes and layering
Combination shapes and layering/distressing/folding

Monday, November 26, 2012

Project Four

For the first stage of project four we experimented with "skins", or methods of manipulating paper to create distinct effects when light is shown through. Here is a sample of my initial attempts.

Using different shapes and designs.
Weaving paper through a larger frame.
 Layering levels of Bristol board.
 Taking away layers of Bristol board.
Textured through systematic folding.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Project Three Review

Project three involved understanding the concept behind a single word and how one can change the meaning and use of a word by modifying different elements such as location and appearance. The project was built on one chosen word; the students researched the definition and meaning of the word and began to experiment with presenting their word using different fonts and variations. The students created 20 variations of the word constrained within a six square inch grid to emphasize different aspects of the word in a variety of methods. 

Once the uses of the word had been explored, students built small-scale models of the letters to determine the best representation that they wanted. Following the models, the students constructed full-sized letters approximately three feet in height, using a variety of materials such as cardboard.

 The final part of the project involved placing the word in a variety of locations to emphasize the different aspects in creative and clear methods. To complete the project, the students organized the photos taken of the word on location into a book to highlight the creative aspects of their design.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Project three site possibilities

Our group brainstormed on several different possibilities for on-site locations to place our project word. During class, we chose one installation that we felt was an appropriate emphasis for the word.


Potential site location

Final initial location.

Project three: final construction

We spent a week of class time working on the construction of our final letters, cutting out, gluing, and painting. We chose to use negative space when construction the first three letters and positive letters for the last five, emphasizing the purpose of the word.

 Beginning stages of construction

Cutting out the letters

 Painting process

Final construction

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Project Three: full-sized model construction

Our group began constructing our full-sized project letters for our final project. We constructed three-foot letters from a 4x8 sheet of cardboard. This is the first stage of our final process.