Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Project one: What is good design?

This project was the first instance in which I truly considered the design of objects in the manner of what made them good or bad. Rather than making a prompt judgment of liking or disliking an objects design, I was able to use what I had learned in class to think about the object from the perspective of design. I found an object that I regularly use, a pendant, to have a good design. I had always admired the appearance of the pendant, but spent time observing the details that I believed made it a good design. The pendant has an appealing shape, uses as little design as it needs, is understandable and honest, is unobtrusive, and has an aesthetic appeal. The process of showing the design through the course of the project proved to be an unusual challenge, particularly to display what I felt to be the prominent features in a way that could be easily understood by the viewer. I sketched the object multiple times in an attempt to view the different angles and features, but was unable to properly compose the drawings in a way that I felt exemplified my message. I eventually compiled all my drawings and sketches and composed them around the pendant itself. The final poster displays the pendant in prominent view with a proper color application in the fact that the object is the only bright color in the design. The object is amongst the drawings as a central focus point, with the sketches showing detail displayed outward from the center. I feel after this project that my concept of design has changed from observing design without context to being able to study a design and know what makes it good.

Final poster design.

Elisabeth Barnes

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